Objective To perform hernioplasty to save the life of Rhesus monkey. 目的对发生嵌闭性疝的猕猴,采用疝手术治疗法挽救其生命。
The Finally Etiological Diagnosis of Measles-like Infection Syndrome in Rhesus Monkey Group 恒河猴暴发类麻疹综合征的病原诊断
The Discussion of the Caesarean Section and Infant Nursed in Rhesus Monkey 恒河猴剖腹产手术和术后婴猴护理的探讨
Induction of Rhesus Monkey Embryonic Stem Cells into Hepatocyte-like Cells by a Three-step Method STUDIES ON THE CHANGES OF THE PEROXIDASE ISOZYME DURING THE FORMATION OF ENDOSPERM PLANTLETS OF CHINESE GOOSEBERRY IN VITRO 体外分步诱导猕猴胚胎干细胞为肝细胞猕猴桃成熟胚乳脱分化和分化过程中的同工酶研究
Study of Rhesus Monkey's Craniomaxillary Structure Width Objective: To present the details of orbital-maxillary-zygoma complex fracture ( OMZ), treatment timing and the selection of managements. 目的详细阐述眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折的解剖学基础、治疗时机和治疗方案的选择。
Ovarian Effect on Cortisol Secretion in Rhesus Monkey at Different Ages 不同年龄恒河猴卵巢功能对皮质醇分泌的影响
Inhibitory Effects of Mifepristone on Gonadotropin Secretion in Rhesus Monkey 米非司酮对恒河猴促性腺激素分泌水平的抑制作用
[~ ( 11) C] MP4A PET Imaging of Acetylcholinesterase in Brain of the Transgenic Mice and Rhesus Monkey 在转基因痴呆小鼠及猕猴[~(11)C]MP4APET显像脑乙酰胆碱酯酶活性
Obtaining fetus of rhesus monkey with the combination of misoprostol and mifepristone 联合使用米索前列醇和米非司酮以获取恒河猴胎猴样品
Effect of grain and water from endemic areas of Kashin-Beck's disease on sulphur metabolism in cartilage of rhesus Monkey 大骨节病区粮水对猴软骨硫代谢的影响
Histopathological study on trabeculoplasty with three wavelength lasers in rhesus monkey 三种不同波长激光猴眼小梁成形术的组织学观察和比较
Study on pathogenicity of subtype 4a swine HEV in rhesus monkey Advancements in hepatitis B virus associated glomerulonephritis 4a亚型猪戊型肝炎病毒对猕猴致病性乙型肝炎病毒相关性肾炎的研究进展
Gamma Oscillatory Responses to Global Gratings in Awake Rhesus Monkey V1 清醒猕猴V1皮层对整体光栅的gamma振荡响应
Empirical Study on Human Vascular Endothelial Cells Growth Mixed with Rhesus Monkey Corneal Endothelial Cells 人血管内皮细胞与恒河猴角膜内皮细胞混合生长的实验研究
Objective: To probe into indexes of evaluating rhesus monkey model of stagnation of liver-Qi of premenstrual syndrome ( PMS). 目的:探索经前期综合征(PMS)肝气郁证猕猴模型评价指标。
Serological analysis on acute sporadic hepatitis E in Beijing Study on pathogenicity of subtype 4a swine HEV in rhesus monkey 北京市急性散发性戊型肝炎血清学分析4a亚型猪戊型肝炎病毒对猕猴致病性
Preliminary Studies on Biological Characteristics of Rhesus Monkey ( Macaca mulatta) Dendritic Cells 恒河猴树突状细胞生物学特性的初步研究
To study tissue distribution of TTV in experimentally infected Rhesus monkey and if the TT virus is hepatotropic. 通过TTV在恒河猴的实验感染,了解TTV的嗜肝性及其在各组织中的分布。
Studies on the Preparation of Antisera to Rhesus Monkey IgM and IgG 抗猴IgM和IgG免疫血清的制备研究
Quantitative analysis of medial smooth muscle cells of middle cerebral artery in rhesus monkey 猕猴大脑中动脉中膜平滑肌的定量分析
OBJECTIVE To study pharmacokinetics of recombinant human consensus interferon-α in rhesus monkey by means of radioimmunoassay. 目的用放射免疫技术测定血药浓度的方法研究猕猴皮下注射重组人集成干扰素α注射液后的药动学。
T-G banding chromosomes of man are compared with those of golden monkey and rhesus monkey. 比较分析人、金丝猴和恒河猴的T&G带染色体。
In order to obtain biomechanical parameters of human knee joints and tolerance transfer relationships between human and rhesus monkey knee joints, torsional and tensional tests were conducted in 10 human and 10 rhesus monkey knee joints in vitro. 为了获得人体膝关节生物力学特性参数及猕猴和人体膝关节间耐受性的传递关系,分别进行了10例离体的人体和猕猴膝关节扭转和张力实验。
This paper report the preliminary investigation on communication behavior of rhesus monkey in field. 本文报道了野生猕猴通讯行为的初步研究结果。
Objective To study the isolation and phenotype of peripheral blood pDC 1 and pDC 2 in rhesus monkey. 目的研究恒河猴外周血树突状细胞(DC)的亚群pDC1和pDC2的分离方法,并探讨其细胞表现型。
We established standard and reliable animal model in rhesus monkey to mimic the pathological reaction and clinical manifestation. 作者用灵长类恒河猴作为实验动物,在一定程度上成功模拟了人类脊髓损伤后的病理改变和临床表现,建立标准可重复的模型。
Comparative study of scapula between rhesus monkey and stump-tailed macaque 短尾猴与猕猴肩胛骨的比较研究